Sunday, July 13, 2014

5 Things We (Still) Know About Organic Foods

Recent studies have added to the discussion surrounding the nutritional benefits of organic produce over those grown non-organically. When you hear the work organic you think "healthy"! So what did these recent findings (re)affirm for those who hear the echo of healthiness when they pass organic fruits and veggies in the grocery aisle?

1. Substantially higher levels of antioxidants and lower evidence of pesticides are found in organically grown produce.
No surprise here, folks. At the same calorie level between "regular" produce and its organic counterpart, the organic variety will have a greater amount of antioxidants.

2. While studies will not claim that organic foods result in better health, they do link antioxidants to lowered risk of cancer and other diseases. 
With "superfoods" like acai, blueberry, and nuts being blasted all over news and commercial media as the BEST choices with the GREATEST benefits, we are no stranger to the idea that the more antioxidants, the better.

3. Organic foods are often sold at higher prices than "traditionally" grown produce.
And here is where the debate really begins. While some experts dismiss organic food labeling as a money making ploy where high prices are overlooked by consumers for promised substantial benefits, others insist organic food can be incorporated into a daily diet without significant strain on the wallet. As with most purchasing, the power lies with consumers: make the conscious effort to buy organic, or not. Price aside, one could hardly argue against organic food choices. Price, as usual, remains an unfortunate sieve, determining who can and cannot explore the non-chemical benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables.

4. Even though the debate remains as to how significant of a difference there is between organic and non-organic produce, logic would suggest that the less chemicals, the better. 
Straight like that.

5. BEWARE, there is a difference between the labels "natural" and "organic".
Odds are, if you pick up a box of natural-whatever-crunchy-munchies in the grocery store and you suspect that what's inside is organic, it is indeed not. Generally, organic means free of pesticides, preservatives and fertilizers-- chemical free. There are no governmental regulations on what is considered "natural", so, you might not really know what the benefits of that box of snack food really is anyway. Read a little more closely next time.

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