Monday, May 19, 2014

"Dasani makes me pee!"

A few years ago, my cousin refused a bottle of Dasani water because she claimed it made her pee. Naturally, water makes one urinate, so I chalked up her reasoning to her being paranoid. Despite my doubt, she insisted that it was this particular brand, and not tap or other bottled waters, that made her "go".
Well, she might not be as dramatic as I once thought.

Take a look at the Dasani label:

This "purified" water contains added minerals for "taste". The trickery!
Not only is salt added for consumer-preferred taste, Dasani is nothing more than tap water with some minerals sprinkled throughout. Gasp!
If you are alright with that, go ahead and keep paying premium prices for water that comes from your own faucet.

So maybe the salt content is not high enough to make my cousin pee more than any other water source, and she is probably being slightly dramatic. Perhaps, her body stages a mini protest when she pays for water that she already has access to in-house. Who knows.
What I do know is that Coca-Cola Company just gave me yet another reason to read the fine print and be aware of label ingredients-- even for water.
Stay woke, America!

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