Monday, June 9, 2014

Drinking Kombucha Is A Lot Like Going Through Life

My uncle should be the spokesperson for Kombucha.
Not one of those fake spokespeople that act as the face of a product they don't even own. He is the real deal. Over the last few years, he has been on a covert mission to convert family members to drink the magical elixer-- and actually enjoy it. While he is yet to lead us all to the mystical powers of Kombucha consumption, he is well on his way.

Every time the infamous fermented tea bottles were whipped out of the fridge, I stared at the goopy sludge that swirls around on the bottom. What is he drinking?! How could he stomach that?
You see it was not just the bacteria on the bottom, it was more so the smell that made me decline a cool glass. It is... strong. An "acquired taste". 
However, with each sip, I grew to *gasp* enjoy the drink.

I realize that drinking Kombucha is a lot like living life:

1. Sometimes the things that are best for us are, at first, hard to swallow, but the value is so great, we press on.
Kombucha tastes like apple cider vinegar, carbonized, with a hint of something foul. If you haven't tried it already, odds are your first try will be a bit like:

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But surely over time, you will find the taste less and less offensive, and perhaps even begin to enjoy it, appreciating the taste for what it is and what it means.

2. The things that are important in our lives often require investment.
Less be frank, Kombucha is not cheap. The only thing more jarring than the taste is the price tag. When you are strolling through the grocery store, hankering for a refreshing, cold beverage, and your eyes rest on the Kombucha selection, more than likely you will opt for water, or 99 cent Arizona iced tea. 
And that is ok. 
However, when considering the benefits of Kombucha, it easy to see why forking over those extra coin isn't as ridiculous of an idea. We are so often willing to splurge on items or experiences that bring us joy. It is not so crazy to consider spending a bit more money on items that have less immediate benefits.

3. Not everyone is going to agree with or understand your choices, but when you know what you're doing, you won't regret anything. 
People may not want to sit with you at lunch when you drink Kombucha. It's smelly. But, you know what? Who cares?! You either like the taste of strange things, or you are willing to drink something other than water as a healthy choice. Whatever your reasoning, you keep on keepin' on! In life, you will not always be understood. Be strange. Have conviction. It looks good on you.

4. Trusting the suggestions of others can lead to new, life-improving discoveries. 
Had I never caved in and tried my uncle's favorite drink, I may have never ventured on my own to try Kombucha. It is not as if the drink gave me x-ray vision, wings, or mind-reading abilities, but at the very least it expanded my beverage arsenal. Trying new things can very often arise from the co-sign of someone whose judgment you trust. And as we all know, trying new things adds to your life in surprising ways.

5. Presentation is everything.
Despite the sludge on the bottom of the bottle, great packaging has probably encouraged a lot of people to subconsciously trust the claims of the company. You attract flies with honey.
You want people to listen to you? Try presenting yourself nicely and see how many more ears turn, or in this case, how many more bottles of fermented tea you sell.

Maybe I am digging too deep into my experience.
Maybe Kombucha has poisoned my mind.
Either way, you might find me drinking Kombucha from time to time, or trying some other new healthy whatever. You know, just going through life and stuff.

Go try something new today. You might not regret it.

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