Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Disgusting: KKK Uses Candy to Recruit New Members

If candy is all it takes to get people to join a hate group, we are in very deep, America.


This week, a South Carolina subdivision of the Ku Klux Klan left candy and fliers in driveways at the end of their national night ride. In the effort to not be "racist" by trying to discern which homes held white families, many goodie bags were left at the homes of minorities by Klan members.
Fliers read "SAVE OUR LAND, JOIN THE KLAN" and listed a phone number to a voicemail that reinforced, "if it aint white, it aint right. White power"
Oh, ok.

This recent stunt is an effort to gain momentum and possible voting power against recent immigration reform. Surprise, surprise.

The fact that this is still happening is a true shame.
Stay 'woke, America. 


Woman Conquers American Ninja Warrior Finals Round

NBC's American Ninja Warrior is an obstacle course style strength and agility competition that gives regular people the chance to showcase their unusual fitness skills. Throughout the competition, viewers watch many fail (mostly by falling into the water underneath each obstacle stage) and very few succeed. Usually the victors range in size, but very rarely in gender.

Not only did Kacy Catanzaro made show history by completing a city finals round, but she also made it look incredibly easy.
Watch her beast below:
Maybe this performance will inspire more women to try out for the show. While it was entertaining to hear the announcers' shock and awe as she blazed through the course, it would be nice for a woman advancing to be something other than a Herculean feat.

Small, mighty, and feminine. Get it, girl!
Kacy Catanzaro, #doingmoor.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

5 Things We (Still) Know About Organic Foods

Recent studies have added to the discussion surrounding the nutritional benefits of organic produce over those grown non-organically. When you hear the work organic you think "healthy"! So what did these recent findings (re)affirm for those who hear the echo of healthiness when they pass organic fruits and veggies in the grocery aisle?

1. Substantially higher levels of antioxidants and lower evidence of pesticides are found in organically grown produce.
No surprise here, folks. At the same calorie level between "regular" produce and its organic counterpart, the organic variety will have a greater amount of antioxidants.

Evidence of HIV Detected in Baby Said to Be Cured

In unfortunate news, the Mississippi baby doctors thought was functionally cured of HIV now has detectable levels of the virus in her system. A little more than two years after being taken off of an antiretroviral medication regimen, the child was tested during a routine checkup when the virus was detected and signs of a compromised immune system confirmed.

8th Grade Metal Band Scores Sony Record Deal

via Facebook

Unlocking the Truth, a young metal band from Brooklyn, has been signed to a two-album recording contract with Sony.

The band, comprised of guitarist Malcolm Brickhouse, drummer Jared Dawkins, and bassist Alec Atkins, writes their own music and lyrics. The record deal involves a $60,000 upfront advance and an option for four additional LPs.

Thanks to the Apollo Theater's amateur night competition and subsequent performances at Times Square and festivals such as AfroPunk, Unlocking the Truth has garnered significant buzz, piquing the interest of music enthusiasts.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby Invests in Abortion Companies

(HuffPost)-- The owners of Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft supply chain, were so offended by the idea of having to include emergency contraceptives and intrauterine devices in their health insurance plans that they sued the Obama administration and took the case all the way up to the Supreme Court. But Mother Jones reported on Tuesday that the company's retirement plan has invested millions of dollars in the manufacturers of emergency contraception and drugs used to induce abortions.

Hobby Lobby's 401(k) employee retirement plan holds $73 million in mutual funds that invest in multiple pharmaceutical companies that produce emergency contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, and abortion-inducing medications.

The companies Hobby Lobby invests in include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, which makes the Plan B morning-after pill and ParaGard, a copper IUD, as well as Pfizer, the maker of the abortion-inducing drugs Cytotec and Prostin E2. Hobby Lobby's mutual funds also invest in two health insurance companies that cover surgical abortions, abortion drugs, and emergency contraception in their health care policies.

Hobby Lobby's attorneys argue that the provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires most employers to cover contraception in their health plans infringes on the company's right to exercise religious freedom because the company's owners believe that emergency contraception and IUDs are actually forms of abortion. Medical studies have debunked this claim.

Mother Jones reported that all nine of the mutual funds Hobby Lobby's retirement plan holds include investments that clash with the owners' religious beliefs about abortion.

C'mon, everyone! This story almost could not get any worse. So often, religion and other moral conflicts of interest are used to disguise greed and outright discrimination. There is no excuse here. 

Get into Justice Ruth Ginsberg's dissent of the Supreme Court ruling: here.
This is not the end of this healthcare coverage saga. Hopefully, the discussion will continue and this story will not simply fade with the next breaking news.

Monday, June 23, 2014

LA Barbers To Start Testing Blood Pressure

Jeff Robinson, AP

(NPR)- Barbershops are a traditional gathering place for African-American men — a place to talk politics, sports and gossip. Now, some doctors in Los Angeles are hoping to make the barbershop a place for combating high blood pressure among black men.

President Obama Encouraging Family-Friendly Work Policies

Manuel Balce Ceneta, Yahoo! files

(AP)- President Barack Obama says many American women can't even get a day off to give birth.
The president tells a working families summit that it's an issue this country isn't handling very well.
The United States is the only industrialized nation that doesn't mandate paid leave for mothers of newborns.
Obama says that's not a list he wants to be on — and it's time to change it.
But he hasn't thrown his support to legislation that would raise payroll taxes to cover the costs of paid family leave. His aides say that he wants instead to explore the issue further.
Read more: here

Finally! This male-centered work bias has gone on far too long, America. We are long overdue for some major change. Hopefully this country can pull it together-- for real.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Two Cleveland Nonprofits Win Fed Grants Aimed at Making Ex-offenders More Employable

(Plain Dealer) - Towards Employment has received a $2 million federal grant to create a comprehensive program aimed at helping those recently released from prison successfully complete job training, get hired and keep jobs.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Harlem Teen Opens World's First Pawn Shop for High-end Sneakers

Talk about knowing your market and making business models work in your community.

Meet Chase "Sneakers" Reed (age 16), entrepreneur, and owner of the world's first high-end sneaker pawn shop.
(Photo: Angel Chevrestt)

Monday, June 9, 2014

Drinking Kombucha Is A Lot Like Going Through Life

My uncle should be the spokesperson for Kombucha.
Not one of those fake spokespeople that act as the face of a product they don't even own. He is the real deal. Over the last few years, he has been on a covert mission to convert family members to drink the magical elixer-- and actually enjoy it. While he is yet to lead us all to the mystical powers of Kombucha consumption, he is well on his way.

Every time the infamous fermented tea bottles were whipped out of the fridge, I stared at the goopy sludge that swirls around on the bottom. What is he drinking?! How could he stomach that?
You see it was not just the bacteria on the bottom, it was more so the smell that made me decline a cool glass. It is... strong. An "acquired taste". 
However, with each sip, I grew to *gasp* enjoy the drink.

I realize that drinking Kombucha is a lot like living life:

1. Sometimes the things that are best for us are, at first, hard to swallow, but the value is so great, we press on.
Kombucha tastes like apple cider vinegar, carbonized, with a hint of something foul. If you haven't tried it already, odds are your first try will be a bit like:

Monday, June 2, 2014

Stretch Marks and Dollar Bills... Still Got My Money

I have a confession.
It is something that had embarrassed me for years. Oh, heck. Here goes nothing!
I... have... stretch marks.

There. I said it.

Many women are probably reading this thinking, um, where's the scandal?
Even though anywhere from 50-90% of women report having stretch marks, we seem to be completely ashamed and, for some reason, repulsed when we see such public displays of honest dermis.
Stretch marks are not a product of pregnancy alone, and are not a women's-only issue. However, the standard of impossibility imposed not surprisingly by men, but far too often by women, has fostered an uncomfortable self-hate space for beauty. The in-circle judgement of some women upon others whose bodies do or do not look like their own, is, quite frankly, disgusting. Whether people are nitpicking the nearest celebrity, or trash-talking their frenemy, women are the cruelst, most ferocious peddlers of pain.

I recently stumbled across a tweet that commented on a picture of a woman's bathroom selfie that rubbed me the wrong way. Firstly, the picture was a woman, in her underwear, taking a faceless, backshot selfie. The first thing I thought was, ohmygoodness she has a great butt. Yes, I noticed the stretch marks, but, c'mon, her butt was nice! The response tweet was less than favorable-- something along the lines of "ew, stretch marks. How unfortunate." Oh wait, the punchline? The tweet was written by another woman!
Huh? How is this a thing? Have we not learned, post-elementary, that calling your peers ugly at recess does not make you magically more pretty? When even Sports Illustrated supermodels are confirming their membership to the I-have-real-skin club, from where does this disgust and cruelty arise?

Jessica White, supermodel (see butt)

If you have stretch marks, odds are you have looked for ways to get rid of them. I've been there. By no stretch of the imagination do I consider mine as severe as others, but even still I have wished and wondered which oil/creme/procedure/machine/doctor/prayer/potion will remove them.
Where's my buttery-toned booty?!
After my desperate, insecure teenage years, I had to sit myself down, and face what all of the trusty internet sources were telling me all along: there is no true cure! Nature is nature and I had to come to terms with what nature meant for me. Haters were just going to have to stay PRESSED. So, girls, save your coins, because while some salves may help, odds are you are not going to get what you really want. It is easier-- and cheaper-- to grab some cocoa butter, slap it on daily, eat some skin-loving foods, and do you.

Alex Elle, blogger/poet/mother,

There is no rational explanation for why women react so negatively toward other women's physical presentations. Whether it is "hate", jealousy, mean-spiritedness, or boredom, there is never a good excuse. So often, us women base our perceptions of beauty on what we think men want-- that then being the standard from which we orient our preferences for ourselves and others. We have all heard it before: She's not that cute, she's too thin. She might be bad, but that's because she has on makeup. Ok, her butt is big, but she has stretch marks though!
Katt Williams said it best when he eloquently reassured us women that we have nothing to fear when it comes to our insecurities. So, do men really hate stretch marks as much as we think they do? Um, does it matter?

Melissa Forde, Rihanna's bff (see butt and hips)

So, when you see me on the beach, wearing whatever it is I choose to wear, and you catch yourself staring at my rear, wondering why on earth I would be so bold as to expose my stretch marks, here are some things to remember:
  1. Yes, I do have a nice backside. I got it from my mama... don't hate.
  2. If for some reason you aren't satisfied with the priviledge of viewing these here buttocks and choose to focus on the slight striae distensae instead, there is something wrong with you. 
  3. They are a daily reminder to myself that I am a growing, functioning, healthy human being, who has lived some portion of life and will continue to do that and more.
Admittedly, it is hard to look in the mirror and see anything deemed "less-than" by greater society. However, no one lives in your skin but you. If we women make a collective effort to squash the scrutiny and save our money, we would all be a little bit happier residing in our own bodies. In the words of Beyonce, "pretty hurts", so why don't we learn to except ourselves, flaws and all.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Do This: "Master Class for the Masses" by UBW

NYC! Are you looking for a day filled with dance for an affordable price?
Urban Bush Women and Angela's Pulse are bringing a master class day of dance spirit to the Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance!

Exercise your mind and body with this 3-in-1 workshop series. Come to just one, two, or all three-- all for $10! See details below and on the event page. This is certainly Doing Moor approved, must-go event.

"Dancing While Black, an initiative of Angela's Pulse, has teamed up with Urban Bush Women's Being Bushified series and Bronx Acadmy of Arts and Dance to bring you an exciting weekend of events at BADD! (2474 Westchester Ave., Bronx).
On May 31st, take a 3-for-1 master class series led by master teachers Jawole Willa Jo Zolla, Nia Love, and Adenike Sharpley. This is sure to be a weekend you won't forget!
You can take as many classes as you want for $10! (Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds)
Secure your spot by paying and registering here.

The teachers:
Nia Love, MODERN ROOTS (2pm)
Adenike Sharpley, PRAISE TRADITIONS (4pm)
Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, HOW WE GOT TO THE FUNK (6pm)

Monday, May 19, 2014

you are.
is not
you are.

-- circumstances

by: nayyirah waheed, salt.

"Dasani makes me pee!"

A few years ago, my cousin refused a bottle of Dasani water because she claimed it made her pee. Naturally, water makes one urinate, so I chalked up her reasoning to her being paranoid. Despite my doubt, she insisted that it was this particular brand, and not tap or other bottled waters, that made her "go".
Well, she might not be as dramatic as I once thought.

Take a look at the Dasani label:

This "purified" water contains added minerals for "taste". The trickery!
Not only is salt added for consumer-preferred taste, Dasani is nothing more than tap water with some minerals sprinkled throughout. Gasp!
If you are alright with that, go ahead and keep paying premium prices for water that comes from your own faucet.

So maybe the salt content is not high enough to make my cousin pee more than any other water source, and she is probably being slightly dramatic. Perhaps, her body stages a mini protest when she pays for water that she already has access to in-house. Who knows.
What I do know is that Coca-Cola Company just gave me yet another reason to read the fine print and be aware of label ingredients-- even for water.
Stay woke, America!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Stay Strapped: NYPD vows to back off from criminalizing condoms in sex work cases

Imagine you are stopped by the police, searched without basis, and arrested for an illegal act with legal items in your possession cited as evidence of your crime. 

Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, this does not sound unfamiliar or unique to any one particular encounter with the police. However, this is what some 200 prostitutes reported when describing their interactions with the NYPD in interviews with Human Rights Watch.

Following Brooklyn's lead, the Manhattan district attorney announced this week that they will be cutting back on their seizure of condoms as evidence in the arrest of prostitutes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ice Cream Trucks Are Racist

As if you needed another reminder to eat healthier this summer, here is a reason to never eat from the ice cream truck again.

NPR's Code Switch shatters every comforting memory you have ever had about hearing that old familiar ice cream truck diddy, scrambling to find a dollar, and running barefoot into the street for your favorite gumball-eyed treat.

That ice cream truck tune is called "Nigger Love A Watermelon Ha! Ha! Ha!" (1916):
Browne: "You niggers quit throwin' them bones and come down and get your ice cream!"
Black men (incredulously): "Ice Cream?!?"
Browne: "Yes, ice cream! Colored man's ice cream: WATERMELON!!"

Recognize the music? Yeah. Me too.
Summer will never be the same.
Lucky for me and many New Yorkers, we are team Mr. Softee. Our tune is much more loving and innocent, and we get real cones... with sprinkles!


The creamiest dreamiest soft ice cream you get from Mister Softee.
For a refreshing delight supreme, look for Mister Softee
My milkshakes and my sundaes and my cones are such a treat.
Listen for my store on wheels ding-a-ling down the street.
The creamiest dreamiest soft ice cream you get from Mister Softee.
For a refreshing delight supreme, look for Mister Softee
S-O-F-T double E. Mister Softee!


Monday, May 12, 2014

Do Moor: Crutches 4 Kids

NYC, do you have some crutches laying around your house?
If so, you can make a difference in a child's life by doing some spring cleaning and donating to Crutches 4 Kids!

Today marks the beginning of the New York City Crutch drive (May 12-18).
Do moor today. Click here for details.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Kiss Seen 'Round the World

Whether or not you followed the NFL draft this week, watch football, or even enjoy sports at all, odds are you have heard of Michael Sam.
In case you forgot, think back to early February when a Black, University of Missouri football player announced on ESPN that he was gay; becoming one of the first openly gay college players.

Well, now he is the first openly gay player to be drafted into the NFL.

Anyone can understand the statistical feat of joining the select few who can say they are members of the NFL. Consider, then, the prospects of a gay man, brave enough to allow others into his truth, awaiting the call that would change his life.

The emotion of it all could not have been more apparent:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

To Be Young, Black, and Autistic

A recent article touched on why the delay in diagnosis of autism in Black children negatively affects their quality of life outcome. Autism, like many medical conditions, represents the blatant inequity in treatment of disorders across class, and more importantly, race. 

With children, early education remains the cornerstone of long-term success in development. Failing to recognize the connectivity between nutrition, socialization, exposure to language, environmental safety, mental health, and a child's school experience is failing to address how so many minority youth get left behind in the race for success. On a basic level, the symptoms that manifest across the autism spectrum affect social interaction and communication-- both integral in early learning, and often determinants of how well a child performs.
It is understandable, then, how autism fits in the scheme of systematic abandonments of Black youth, and how an effort to remedy the core issues in inequity represent not just a brighter outlook for autistic children, but rather for engagement of the medical community with Black populations overall.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Would You Buy a UV-detecting Watch?

iWatch concept. (Belm Designs)

This week, Yahoo reported that Apple may roll out a wrist watch technology that would serve as a "virtual doctor" with UV and vital sign-detecting features.

What bothers me isn't the concept. To me, the idea of the watch is admirable: placing increased awareness of basic health concepts in the hands of the consumer-- perhaps hoping for a heightening of personal responsibility. But this recent announcement has me tiptoeing backward, away from my iPhone. I admit, having apps for everything has become the new norm and keeps us endlessly entertained. It just starts to look a bit scary when you stop to think about how there are apps for running, cooking, laughing, reading, relaxing, sleeping, learning, grooming, shopping, and so on.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Be Gone: A Story of Nosiness and the Denigration of Black Women

The other day I was meeting with a family member in Harlem to discuss some business ideas for his line of work. We generally talk money openly, doing so whenever and wherever. On this day we happened to be at the gym, sitting at a singular table and clearly in a mutually good mood. I was writing notes in my everything book and calculating random numbers on my phone while he listened and proposed ideas-- a fruitful dialogue.
Being that I was minding my own business, I did not notice the people entering and leaving the gym around me. Again, everyone was minding their own and living their life.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

She is a Diamond

I recently traveled to Abu Dhabi with family and friends. The purpose of the trip was almost exclusively vacation-based, but I was hoping for some type of spiritually reflective experience as well. In the days leading up to the trip, I was not feeling as excited as I should have. I could not quell the nervous feeling I had about traveling to the Middle East. It's not as if I have only traveled to cozy, Western nations, engaging in comfy Western amenities, and feeling completely socially accepted. In fact, I have never been to Western Europe, or even Canada. I have almost exclusively traveled to non-Western, homogenous nations, but something was making me feel uneasy.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Oscars Recap: Winning Women... and Some Great Men Too

Here are the nominees for the most amazing women of the night...

1. Robin Roberts

First of all, how great is it to not hear Joan Rivers' voice on the red carpet! I digress...
ABC's own Robin Roberts was the epitome of healthy glow as she hosted the red carpet pre-show last night in a perfect gown.